Relay Stories

Inspiring future innovators: the 16th Kids’ World of Energy Festival

"Great hands on activities with real world science and STEM connections. The students asked if we would do more. They had a great time."

Sunrise to sunset: Learning GIS mapping for solar energy

Geographic Information Systems Mapping for Solar courses help participants develop new skills in GIS and learn current techniques for new solar energy generation projects based on location and community characteristics.

Du lever au coucher du soleil : l’entraînement du SIG pour le développement solaire

Le cours de cartographie du système d'infographie solaire (SIG) aide les participants à développer de nouvelles compétences et techniques associées aux projets SIG et de production d'énergie solaire. Ces techniques sont basées sur l'emplacement et les caractéristiques de la communauté.

Celebrating one year of solar training at the Green Skills Academy

The goal of the course was clear: to prepare people for a career in solar installation.

3 tips on booking a STEM workshop

Explore energy and the environment through hands-on programs, where students become scientists and engineers!

2022 Annual Report

Annual Report for 2022 Fiscal Year

2022-2023 School Year Review

Relay Education reached a lot of children and youth during the 2022-2023 school year. Here’s the impact we made.

Indigenous communities are leading the renewables transition

Showcasing the ideas, knowledge and resiliency of First Nation, Inuit and Métis on stewardship, sustainability and fighting climate change everyday but especially during National Indigenous History Month.