Relay Education's Worldwide Reach

 The youth generation is all in. Dedicated to protecting and healing our planet in the fight against climate change.
Relay is enriching young people’s knowledge of renewable energy, conservation, and the green economy to help them lead.

Education Partners

Relay is working with partners across the world to deliver high quality science and technology programs in schools. Working with respected and expert education partners, youth are receiving education on essential environmental topics. 


"Kids in Barbados are receiving excellent programming through our collaboration with Relay. We have a lot of solar in Barbados and the country has committed to reaching 100% renewable energy by 2030. Relay is helping to teach kids about this important goal they're part of!"
John Doe
Executive Director, Robot Adventures
"Working with Relay is great! We're teaching kids in California about so many important things"
John Doe
Executive Director, The Energy Coalition

Lightbulb moments happening in classrooms across the world.

We’re delivering programs in countries from the sunny island of Barbados to the windy hills of Austria.

Global Partner