Relay Stories

Relay’s everyday eco actions

What are some ways you reduce your ecological footprint in your everyday life? Learn how the Relay team is doing what they can in their everyday lives.

5 tips for teaching (and working) virtually

With the closure of schools, and the changes in how we work, one thing has been certain: much of our learning, and our day to day work has moved online.

COVID-19: How Relay is Responding

Our efforts to teach youth about renewable energy and climate change will continue at this time with online, interactive workshops.

Read our latest Annual Report: Charging Forward

Our latest annual report (2018-2019) is now available! Read how we're advancing the transition to a 100% renewable energy future in Canada through education.

Week with Mnjikaning Kendaaswin Elementary School

This is always such an amazing experience, both for me to watch as an educator and for the students to end up with a finished renewable energy model they are excited about.

Job profile: Engineering a successful career path

"I am in love with my job. I love working in the renewable power field. I find it extremely interesting working as a Generation Engineer. I experience excitement on the construction site or in the office. Learning new things every single day is very valuable for me."

5 tips for finding work in the green economy

We talk with Petra who has found a job through the Green Collar Careers Internship program

Girls rule, science rules too

Providing hands-on science activities at a young age reinforces equality and empowers girls to dream just as big as boys do.

The necessity of solar power: Accessing electricity anywhere, anytime

Around the world we are seeing solar energy and microgrids bring power to remote locations.

48 hours in Sagamok First Nation

The morning drive was snowy yet beautiful. The roads from Sudbury to Sagamok are lined with rocky edges, river, and snow-covered trees.