Women of Relay Education

Author: Shannon McGaffey, Green Collar Careers Officer

Write to Shannon


Happy International Women’s Day!

Here at Relay, we have many women working in the fields of science, energy, and education. Their dedication, successes, and philosophies are worth celebrating.

I spoke to some of the women on the Relay team to discover what’s important to them about working in education with girls and women. Keep reading to learn why they’re passionate…

Katie Krelove, Toronto Workshop Facilitator

What inspires you as a woman in science and education?

“Kids’ curiosity and enthusiasm for science, and the different observations and perspectives they bring always inspire me.  Seeing students learn something new about themselves or the world.” 

Anna Hall, Regina Workshop Facilitator

If you could tell young women one thing, what would it be?

“Inspire yourself – whether that means connecting with nature, setting audacious goals, or moving through your day-to-day at your own pace. What ultimately matters is feeling content in the things that you do, and that looks completely different for everyone.”

Rebecca Swanson, Western Canada Manager

What is your favorite part about working for Relay Education?

“Our team!…and the flexibility of the different types of roles I get to take on every day. Also, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a student understand a concept, and then apply it right away.”  

Suzanne Anderson, Ottawa Workshop Facilitator   

What is your favorite part about working for Relay Education?

“It’s those “A-Ha” moments with the children. It’s when they are all working together and all see the results of their experience that they did in a team. There is not only a single A-ha moment, but a collective one.”

Alex Dunleavy, Saskatoon Workshop Facilitator

If you could tell young women one thing, what would it be?

You can be absolutely anything you want to be, whether that is a mother, trade worker, teacher, doctor, or a biologist. The important thing to remember is that you should never shy away from something because traditionally it has not been done by a woman. Step up to the plate and show everyone that you are as capable as anyone else.”

Jen Mulqueen, Toronto Workshop Facilitator

Why did you join Relay Education?

“I love that I get to play a role in getting kids excited about renewable energy and working in a green career. It’s essential for our future.”

Kyna O’Gallagher, Calgary Workshop Facilitator

What inspires you as a woman in science and education?

“ I believe that we are part of a global community. There is no ‘us’ or ‘them’ – there’s only ‘all of us’: It  is our responsibility to help our entire community thrive, whether it be through humanitarian deeds, professional means or simple acts of kindness. My contribution, at this point in my career, is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with today’s youth. I believe that each child walks away from our workshops with wonder, self-confidence, and questions.” 

And lastly, myself…

Shannon McGaffey, Green Collar Careers Officer

If I could share one message with young women I would say to not feel like you need to fit into one box.

If you are good at multiple things (i.e. physics and communication), keep working to develop those skill sets. You might not be able to see a clear path, but life is more fun that way. Believe in yourself and what you are good at, even if you are unsure of how or where you will fit in.

You will find your purpose. We are told early on to specialize at one thing, and that is what success is, but there are real changes happening at the intersection of different disciplines and things are constantly evolving.


If you are interested in roles in science and education, please follow us or get in touch.