It’s time to join the youth and support the #ClimateStrike. On September 27th millions of people will participate. Are you ready?
This September 27th, millions of people will join young climate strikers in a Global #ClimateStrike on the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Relay’s vision is a healthy, prosperous planet led by informed citizens and powered by renewable energy sources. This future is impossible if we continue to rely on fossil fuels, and not act now to mitigate climate change.
Climate Strikes are happening across the world as youth and adults come together to fight against the climate crisis. Relay Education’s main office is based in Toronto, Ontario and our staff will be striking on September 27th in support of the Global Strike for Climate Justice.
Youth are our future, and Relay will strike with them on Sept. 27th to support them. ALL are invited. If you would like to join us in Toronto please send us an email.
Main photo of students protesting courtesy of © Karin Desmarowitz/campact. Creative Commons License.